THe Playground

Could you use a hand coming back to your center in this challenging time?

As I’ve been feeling you all,
the thing I keep being shown is that a bit of support would feel delicious…

So I made you something!

Painting by Elissa Sydor

Painting by Elissa Sydor

I made The Playground so we can gather, and I can love you and bring support!

Whether it’s support to feel safe, to find your joy, a welcome distraction to laugh, help getting into your body, being witnessed, a place to just bring your big emotions, or just some support to come back to your center.

That’s what The Playground is for.

I wanted this to be EASY for you, no extra pressure of any kind, only support.

So think of this as your twice weekly reset!

You’ll have access to all 4 weeks worth of The Playground. That’s 8 recordings in total. They’re just 30 minutes each, originally recorded 2x a week and it’s completely FREE!

Each video I’ll bring a new practice for you. Meditation, movement, abundance, silliness, forgiveness, grounding, self care, relationship support, and more.

Come get the tools to not just survive and get by, but thrive and emerge from this more empowered and centered than ever!

Sign up to get access to all 8 Playground Recordings!