A Love Letter to My Money
After listening to the Hay House interview with Kate Northrup, who always inspires me so much, I really started thinking about my relationship with money.
Not the in way I always had, but as a relationship just like with a person.
That shift blew my mind and I got the inspiration to write a love letter to my money.
The experience was so powerful I am sharing it with you!
If you get inspired to write your own letter I'd love to hear how it goes!
Dearest money honey!
I love you! What a teacher you are for me.
Thank you for providing for me, for being the vehicle that brings me many of the things I enjoy.
Thank you for the freedom you give me, the sense of security and safety, for showing me that I can depend on myself and provide for myself.
Thank you for the new lessons you are teaching me about trust, being safe to depend on more than just myself.
Thank you for teaching me so much about flow, energy, trust, abundance, lavish experiences, lack, desire, longing, helplessness, lack of control, power, generosity, freedom, and so much more.
What a rich relationship we have had so far!
Together we have supported people, businesses, and causes.
We have traveled to new exciting places.
We have shown love and appreciation.
We have known delicious comfort, and uncomfortable insecurity.
In me, you have sparked so many new desires and expansions.
You have helped me expand my taste, my understanding of the world, my compassion, and my faith in the universe.
Ahead of us are great things.
I feel it.
We will share our love, encouragement and support with the world.
We will travel and explore, eat the best foods, and bask in the majesty of this world!
We will work and play, and treasure the most fun and brilliant team members!
We will spread the love I have to give and to teach.
Thank you.
I love you.
I am excited for our future together,