Harnessing Your Superpowers!
I'm excited to share some magic with you today.
Emily Cassel is someone very special to me.
When I met her my heart leapt and I was instantly in love. You know that feeling? Like "Hey, we've been around this block before! We've probably gotten in all sorts of trouble together!"
She is a sister to my soul as surely as she gets my dirty, goofball humor. I immediately wanted to keep her.
Recently Emily asked to interview me for her Sisterhood Spotlight Series, I was honored and nervous (it's true).
She is someone who seriously lights my heart up, as I'm sure you will see.
Her particular Superpower is one I haven't seen before is such a profound way.
She has the ability to see you in all your greatness, and hold you so steadily there that you cannot help but begin to see it yourself. Sound delectable? Dude. It is.
She is changing lives in a magic-carpet-ride-feels-so-easy-you-don't-even-realize-you're-soaring kind of way. Mine included.
She and I are concocting some magic, so expect to see her out here in Hawaii to lead an adventure with me in the new year.
More to come on that...
Enjoy the interview and I can't wait to hear what you think! (Seriously, I'm curious, excited, nervous, and twitterpated to hear your insights!)