Episode 28 - Is this the secret fix for your relationship? Are you rejecting or receiving love?
Have you ever experienced that feeling of misfire in a relationship, when your communication just seems to be on different planes?
Or have had times in a relationship when one or both of you feel you aren’t getting what you need no matter how hard you try?
Or maybe you feel like you're the one constantly putting in effort, but your partner isn’t?
This is hugely common in relationships, and the problem isn’t what you think!
Cara will be discussing the secret fix to any relationship, and the key to getting what you need and desire from your relationship by pouring in love in the way your partner actually can receive.
So if you're ready to learn how to get more love and intimacy in your relationship and fill both yours and your partner's love tank, be sure to have a listen.
—> Doors are Open now!!!! ←
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Uncover the energetic mystery behind relationship success.
Fall more madly in love as you level up your current relationship, or call in the relationship of your dreams.
Connect with Cara!
Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
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