Episode 19 - An Energy Healing for Money and Abundance

In this episode, Cara offers a potent and powerful healing to release old patterns, beliefs, and subconscious behaviors around money. Working in the realm of money, this healing will help increase your capacity to receive abundance, restore feelings of safety and support in your first chakra, and ease fearful responses to money in your nervous system. In receiving this healing, you invite miracles and abundance into every area of your life.

If this is your 2nd (or 22nd) time listening to this episode and you want to skip past the explanation and dive straight in, the Healing starts at minute 11:45.



Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 18 - Money is Your Dance Partner

How do you relate to money? What are some common stories you tell? In this episode, Cara invites us to explore our relationship with money as it relates to feelings of safety, security, and happiness. Perhaps money has been a source of stress, perhaps we feel we will be judged for how much or how little money we have. As Cara reveals, money is a beautiful tool to help us play out energetic patterns and to help us grow, up level our abundance, and expand our capacity for joy. Bring a notebook or pen and paper to play along with prompts and self inquiry practices.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 17 - Healing the Relationship with Money

Can you image feeling safe and secure regardless of the amount of money in your bank account? Join Cara and Body-Money-Passion participant, Kendra, for an intimate interview about what it means to finally have a healthy relationship with money. Through this honest and open dialogue, you are invited to shift from anxiety to trust by experiencing money as yet another source of love waiting to be received.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 16 - More Love Please

Is there such a thing as too much love? In this episode, Cara explores how often we suppress our appetite for love and overlook the many ways in which love is flowing into our lives. Whether raised in a home with a scarcity of love, conditioned to believe that needing love is a burden to others, or simply unaware of the vast variety of sources of love - we often ignore how much love we truly desire. With authenticity and playfulness, Cara reminds us of the infinite amount of unconditional love available to each of us all the time. Listen and receive!


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 15 - The Balance Between Doing and Allowing

In this episode, Cara explains how to create a playful and intuitive dance between hustle and flow. Being in a state of action may feel more productive and engaging, but can often result in overwhelmed and burnt out. By contrast, simply being present may create peace and overall satisfaction, but can result in anxious feelings around underperforming and missed opportunities. As Cara reveals, the path to balance is as unique as we are. Listen and discover how to find your rhythm moment to moment, in connection with your higher self. Stay until the end for journal prompts to help you explore further.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 14 - Connection With Your Higher Self

From social media to sugar cravings - have you ever needed help deciphering between noise and true intuitive nudges? In this episode, Cara offers guidance for releasing anxiety, tension, and impatience by learning to connect with your higher self and trust messages from the universe. Through specific examples and personal stories, Cara reveals the meandering yet abundant ways our intuition is guiding us in the direction of our deepest desires. Learn to live in concert with your higher self and allow more ease, connection, and joy into every aspect of your human experience.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 13 - Taking Your Power Back

Do you ever find yourself thinking about an unpleasant situation long after the experience has passed? Those "gut-punch" moments lead to energetic leaks - disrupting our nervous system and sparking patterns of shame, unworthiness, and powerlessness. In his episode, Cara teaches a simple grounding exercise to help you call your energy back home. Having this practice in your spiritual toolbox will help you release emotional triggers and give you the clarity and confidence to create all that you desire. Listen as many times as you like.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Episode 12 - The Gift in Resistance

In this episode, Cara helps uncover the beautiful opportunity available to each of us when we have the courage to face resistance and self-sabotage. Through personal examples, journaling prompts and questions, and an exercise deigned to connect you with your innermost self - Cara reveals the one and only purpose resistance has in our lives. In the end, feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, stress, or distraction give way to self compassion and understanding. Rather than fighting our resistance, we learn to listen and make decisions from a place of wholehearted trust.

To learn more about the gift in resistance, check out this inspiring interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGRkh6vG1Xg


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana