PSC #125 When It's Time to Recover From Crisis Mode
Hey Playful Souls!
We made it to the end of 2020! Holy cow!
In this PSC call we explored what happens when we live for a long period in crisis mode and how to begin to shift back once the period is over.
** NOTE: This work will be continued in our Free Healing Workshop next Monday so please attend live if you can. And invite your friends!
Heal 2020 to Welcome 2021 ~ Free Healing Workshop
*Save this in your calendar nowMonday, January 4th 6-7:30 pm MT (5 PT / 8 ET)
Zoom link Dial by phone
+1 646 876 9923 US
Meeting ID: 830 2291 2378
In this call we did a fun meditation to Pat ourselves on the back and shake off the hard work.
Then we explored two hot seats. First an examination of brain fog and second an analysis of how a type of personality prefers to get stuff done.
I love you all. Thank you for journeying through this world with me. My cup runneth over,
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