Cara Viana

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PSC #94 Releasing the Push Pull

Hello Friends!

This weeks’ call was all about the push / pull. You know that feeling when you desire to do something and yet you also have something in your system resisting? That feeling of a drive forward and a pulling back at the same time. Sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes it's obvious.

So we did a great meditation on Releasing the Push Pull. You can skip right to the meditation if you choose.

That meditation sparked two inspiring hot seats!

The first was about ways that we hold onto anger and rage in an attempt to keep ourselves safe and keep everyone at a distance. We explored directly with the pattern within her, and then we choose a new pattern and shifted the entire reality, which allowed her to release the stored emotions for good!

The second was an exploration of the outward shifts that our inward transformation can take! How often when we are growing and changing, we desire to change something in the external world too. We looked at how to gauge where that desire is coming from.

I hope you enjoy this session of the Playful Spirit Circle!

With love and happy dances,


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PSC #94 Releasing the Push Pull Cara Viana

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PSC #94 Releasing the Push Pull Meditation Cara Viana