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The Expanding Heart Sisterhood

To fulfill her ultimate potential, a woman must CONNECT. Connect to Source, connect to her spirituality, connect to her feminine essence, her sensuality, her creativity and of course connect to other women.

There is an intense depth and breadth to the connection that we NEED as women. 

We all know it is often extremely hard to find enough of this connection in our everyday lives to fulfill our soul’s most evolved desires. And yet these are the connections that fuel our sense of purpose and give our lives the feeling of profound satisfaction.

The connections we intuitively crave allow us to give and care for others while fueling our ability to step into the women we want to be in the world.

We need support. We need a nurturing place where we can drop all pretense, people pleasing, and putting everyone else first. We need people who will amplify our biggest joys and honor our greatest success, and who will love us unconditionally and hold us lovingly when we break down. 

We need a sacred container that amplifies our growth, and carves out time in our schedules to fill our tanks and focus on ourselves; on our healing, our pleasure and passion. We need rituals to practice our magic and to grow our spiritual gifts and connect us to the Earth and the Divine.

We need pleasure. Pure and simple and plentiful. Our lives starve without it. Pleasure not just in bodies, our sensuality, and our work, but in every aspect of life.

The Expanding Heart Sisterhood was created to build connection and self-care into your life. It is your safe place on your hard days and a nest to hold you when you need to be comforting

It is your place to come and celebrate your highest of highs, to brag, to stand in your own greatness and share it unabashedly with others. It is your place to be venerable, to be witnessed and lauded for all that you are.

The Expanding Heart Sisterhood is a place to be seen. Truly seen. A place that invites you to see yourself far more clearly than you ever have before. A place to be witnessed and loved just as you are. It is a place of tremendous healing, exploration, and expansion. And a place that will facilitate a deeper understanding of who you are and propels the expansion into your next becoming!

To facilitate all of this over 10 months we use a framework that has proven itself year after year. The majority of women who have experienced The Sisterhood have chosen to repeat it multiple years in a row! I am honored to have earned their trust and it is a testament to the program’s impact. As with most years there are only a handful of spots available to new students.

The framework of our journey is built upon deep work with the chakras. Through energy work meditation, our chakras become our guides, teaching us what we are ready to explore, to heal, and to become. Year after year each woman sheds more layers that fall at her feet, and a new depth of wonder at the creature she is emerges.

Our framework also incorporates themes. This year each theme will be centered around studying a different aspect of our magic. We will explore everything from herbalism to sex magic, alchemy to astrology, to flower magic, and more! In each study we will be learning ways to easily incorporate new rituals into our daily lives.


The Expanding Heart Sisterhood 2025

A note from Cara…

The Sisterhood is an intimate 10 month journey with a loving group of women.

This program is one I have led for 10 years and it is so intimate to my heart. It is the place I show up vulnerably, peer to peer with my fellow women. Some of my deepest friendships have grown out of this container. It has filled my weeks and my heart for 10 years.

We embark together late-February. This year for the first time ever, I am including 1:1 sessions with me, so you can experience a deeper and more profound transformation with my personal support.

I love being able to share this opportunity with you. If you have questions I'm here or are feeling the pull that this may be for you.

Please email me: Cara@caraviana.com and we can discover together if this loving group is a good fit for you

All my love, Cara

Included in this journey are:

- Twice monthly workshops. Each one is 1.5 hours where you will participate in guided meditations to deepen your self-awareness and sharpen your intuitive gifts. We will learn how to restore our chakras to their optimal state and learn intimate practices and rituals.

- A 1:1 session with Cara: This 60 minute session can include your choice of energy healing, intuitive reading, or coaching, or a combination. (a $275 value)

- Monthly wild card classes: These will alternate between Embody Dance or sensual movement, a tantric style energy practices, hot seat mini readings/healings, and the occasional guest teacher.

- Group video channel: A place where you can come and witness or be witnessed. Here you will lean into the friendship of the sisterhood, and tap into your own innate female wisdom.

- Two 3-hour virtual retreats: These are designed to give yourself a powerful reset so that you may take your learning to the next level.

- Private chat group: This chat was created for us to connect and give and get support. often as desired. Here you will get to know the other women even further and you are encouraged to connect with your fellow sisters as much as possible.

- 7 live group energy healings: A powerful healing using all the methods of the sisterhood each of these is recorded so you can use them as often as needed


This investment in yourself is $333 per month, or one-time payment of $3,150

Please email: Cara@caraviana.com

to inquire about enrollment


Being a part of Cara’s sisterhood changed my life in many ways, and years later I am still thanking my lucky stars(higher self) for the blessing of sisterhood!
I could give you 100 reasons why Cara’s sisterhood is the best thing ever, but I’ll tell you the one thing that has had the biggest impact….my sisters!

I have gained a group of women who are so powerful, brilliant, dynamic, loving, generous, thoughtful, supportive, compassionate, and magical! These are the women I turn to all day every day for ALL the things, these women have my back and cheer me on every single step on my journey. They are my soul mates!

To have a soul sister or sisters is to have won the lottery at life. It’s pure magic, they are the easiest most loving and honest relationships I have. We have seen each other through the most torrential storms, and have had each others back in ways that are next level to most friendships. These are not ordinary relationships, they are brewed in the magic Cara creates, and the journeys you will go on with your sisters will create bonds that are unshakable.
— A
Beautiful women, precious friendships, life changing shifts: these are the things that define sisterhood. Sisterhood is a very supportive atmosphere to grow and develop together with amazing women. The virtual and in person retreats are transformational and unforgettable. Monthly calls and support keep you held in the bond created by Cara and the other sisters. Lifetime friendships form along with self discovery and personal growth. A treasure for sure!
— L
Being a part of Cara’s sisterhood for the last several years has deeply impacted my life. While navigating the ups and downs of many moves and life transitions, sisterhood became the consistent anchor and safe place for me to land for support, healing, and growth. I love that I can show up as all of me and be accepted and loved as I am, even if what I am at the moment is messy. It’s amazing to look back and recognize how much I’ve grown and changed since first joining, and all the ways sisterhood played a part in my evolution. The group is truly something special and I’ve not found anything else quite like it. I’m so grateful for Cara, the sisterhood, and the friendships I’ve built through participating. I’m excited to continue for another round.
— JL