
The One And Only Time I Will Tell You To Fake It!

It happens all the time....

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I'm giving a reading to someone and information comes through that blows my mind!

Well this was one of those occasions, so I tried the advice myself and here's what happened...

This happens to me a lot actually. Information coming through in a reading is so powerful and relevant that I wish more people could hear it!  

Even though the information is directed at the person receiving the reading, I'm learning a ton as it comes to me, and I know anyone listening would too.  

Well, now I have my wish!

A way to share this goodness with more that one person at a time!!  

The Playful Spirit Circle is the culmination of my hearts desire to play with people as I dance along my journey.  

And it's free for 2 months!

Sign up here and come see what all the giggling is about!

Harnessing Your Superpowers!

I'm excited to share some magic with you today.

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Emily Cassel is someone very special to me.

When I met her my heart leapt and I was instantly in love. You know that feeling?  Like "Hey, we've been around this block before! We've probably gotten in all sorts of trouble together!"

She is a sister to my soul as surely as she gets my dirty, goofball humor. I immediately wanted to keep her.

Recently Emily asked to interview me for her Sisterhood Spotlight Series, I was honored and nervous (it's true).

She is someone who seriously lights my heart up, as I'm sure you will see.

Her particular Superpower is one I haven't seen before is such a profound way.
She has the ability to see you in all your greatness, and hold you so steadily there that you cannot help but begin to see it yourself. Sound delectable? Dude. It is.

She is changing lives in a magic-carpet-ride-feels-so-easy-you-don't-even-realize-you're-soaring kind of way. Mine included.

She and I are concocting some magic, so expect to see her out here in Hawaii to lead an adventure with me in the new year.

More to come on that...

Enjoy the interview and I can't wait to hear what you think! (Seriously, I'm curious, excited, nervous, and twitterpated to hear your insights!)

Do you want to learn more about harnessing your superpowers?

A Love Letter to My Money

After listening to the Hay House interview with Kate Northrup, who always inspires me so much, I really started thinking about my relationship with money.

A Love Letter to My Money

Not the in way I always had, but as a relationship just like with a person.

That shift blew my mind and I got the inspiration to write a love letter to my money.  

The experience was so powerful I am sharing it with you!

If you get inspired to write your own letter I'd love to hear how it goes!

Dearest money honey!

I love you! What a teacher you are for me.

Thank you for providing for me, for being the vehicle that brings me many of the things I enjoy.

Thank you for the freedom you give me, the sense of security and safety, for showing me that I can depend on myself and provide for myself.

Thank you for the new lessons you are teaching me about trust, being safe to depend on more than just myself.

Thank you for teaching me so much about flow, energy, trust, abundance, lavish experiences, lack, desire, longing, helplessness, lack of control, power, generosity, freedom, and so much more.

What a rich relationship we have had so far!

Together we have supported people, businesses, and causes.

We have traveled to new exciting places.

We have shown love and appreciation.

We have known delicious comfort, and uncomfortable insecurity.

In me, you have sparked so many new desires and expansions.

You have helped me expand my taste, my understanding of the world, my compassion, and my faith in the universe.

Ahead of us are great things.

I feel it.

We will share our love, encouragement and support with the world.

We will travel and explore, eat the best foods, and bask in the majesty of this world!

We will work and play, and treasure the most fun and brilliant team members!

We will spread the love I have to give and to teach.
Thank you.

I love you.

I am excited for our future together,


How to Choose Freedom ~ A Whale Shark Adventure

I swam with a whale shark. It was one of the most magical experiences, and one I have dreamed of for years. He was so gentle, so sweet, so calming, so powerful. He spoke to me, I felt him so profoundly, and I feel expanded.

I was a foot from his face looking him in the eye, I was an inch from his fin as he swam past me. I got to swim along with him and witness his magnificent body and his graceful movements.


Not what I ever imagined, growing up as the girl who was terrified of the water and couldn't swim. 

I was with two dear friends who are professional under water photgraphers, so I knew there would be incredible photos! Thank you to Lisa Denning and Deron Verbeck for bringing such magic to my world!


At one point I heard in my head "stop and listen" I stopped swimming and let him and the crowd move ahead until I was alone.

I tuned in to him and my whole body flooded with love. I involuntarily wrapped my arms around myself, began crying overflowing tears and heard a few funny whimpering sounds come out of me, and heard the words, "you are SO precious." He said it twice. "You are SO precious."


I felt like he was talking about mankind and me at the same time.

How can you not be changed after something like that???


The following night Noah and I went to spent the weekend in Volcano, a little town next to (or on top of) our active volcano, Kilauea.

For the first time in many decades the volcano had erupted as a lake of lava!


As we sat and watched this magnificent site out of the fiery boiling lake rose steam and smoke. As I watched it travel from one side of the crater to the other and rise up to the sky I realized shapes were forming. Animal shapes, as if they were rising out of the fire. First dinosaurs, a pterodactyl, then elephants, horse, lion, dog, clear as day I saw them. As if they walked across the lake then drifted to the sky. So many animals, and finally a human shape. It was pure magic! 


We brought a special offering for the Volcano Goddess Pele. Precious things to me. Orchids from my garden, dark chocolate, sand from cancun, coffee beans and a rare strawberry from our yard, shells from my collection, and a crystal.

Thank you Goddess Pele.


This weekend has been full of some of the most spiritually fulfilling, rare and precious experiences. Things I never imagined I would do in this lifetime.

It was also counterbalanced with little annoyances. Almost comically so.

On the boat I got extremely seasick. And that nausea came and went for several days, along with painful stomach cramps. Also on the boat I got one of the worst sunburns of my life. So for several days, that hurt like a B!*ch. My skin is still recovering from travel, so I have had huge cystic acne all over my face. Oh and lastly I must've strained a muscle in my back because for the last week I've been waking up in the morning with my back muscles feeling seized up and sharp pain. Ha!  Can you believe all that?

Put all that together with the magical experience with the whale shark, a beautiful night away with the man of my dreams, and getting to watch Goddess Pele create a lake of lava; and you have quite the dichotomy of experiences!

My point in all this is that I had lots of room for choice.

We always do, in every moment. We have a choice of where we will put our focus.

So I could have focused on the majesty of my experience with the whale shark, or on the burning pain of my sunburn when I move my legs.  On the beautiful house we rented and being with my man, or on waking up with a shooting pain in my back.

And there were definitely times when I did focus on the discomfort. Noah put up with some complaining from me for sure!  More often though, I actively basked in the magic and bliss.

This was a beautiful practice for me to focus.

This is the choice we always have.

Do I focus on what is seemingly wrong or what is gloriously right?

Glass half-full or glass half empty?

In the sisterhood I lead we have been focusing this month on the theme of Freedom. As I reflect on all of these experiences I realize that my biggest Freedom is how I choose to experience this life.

In Love, Cara

The Gift of Gratitude: A Story About Learning To Fly

Guest blog I was asked to write for | September 09 2013 |

We all get life choices. Some of them are big, hairy, tarantula-sized choices. You can choose to sit stagnant in the same place, never diverging from what is comfortable. Or, like a fledgling bird, leap off the highest branch, spread your never-used wings, and attempt to fly! Those first flying moments feel like the most exhilarating experience; the wind, the freedom, feeling brave and invincible. Then you look down. Now you’re plummeting and all you can think is, “Oh shit, I want back on that branch!”

That was me; a little bird oscillating between courageous soaring and panicked plummeting. Between feeling like a brave warrior karate-kickin’ my fears in the gonads, and just wanting to hide back on my safe branch!

I had just moved across the Pacific Ocean, leaving my hometown for the first time. The move, initially made with my long-time boyfriend, was freaking hard enough, but then the realization came that it was time to let go of the relationship I had clung to. The baby bird in me had walked to the end of the branch, was looking out, and could feel the wind calling. As I let go of the relationship that was my safety blanket, I took the flying leap.


I was single and alone for the first time in my adult life. And way effing far from home.

My friends and family were looking on from afar (a literal ocean away), watching me take this flying ninja leap into… aloneness? Independence? I didn’t know. But I’m sure they were terrified for me. They all reacted in different ways. My immediate family surrounded me with love and emotional support. One of my best friends broke down crying and said, “Who is going to take care of you?” That was the big fear, you see. I’d had a very rough couple of years before moving and the man I just left was the one who had seen me through it all. My friends were scattered about the country and very worried about me. All I knew was that I had started my journey.

Ruby, one of my best friends since the age of 12, reacted proactively. She had just jumped off of her own branch, moving across the country and starting law school. She was having her own rough go of it. When she sat at the kitchen table at midnight with her books spread before her, holding a coffee cup in one hand and Pepto-Bismol in the other, wondering if it would make good creamer, she found herself plummeting.  She realized it was time to do something about it, both for her and for me.

A friend had given Ruby the idea of sharing positive daily moments. Knowing I was also in desperate need of a healthy dose of positive energy, she asked me if I would be willing to e-mail with her each day three things that I was thankful for. I readily agreed. I mean, if we were both drowning, maybe clinging to each other would serve as a life preserver… right?

One heck of a life preserver it turned out to be! At the beginning, it gave me a daily connection to someone I loved. The positive energy we sent each other in those sometimes only three-word e-mails was a huge gift to both of us. Even after I got solid in my rockin’ independence and Ruby successfully conquered law school, we kept up our daily “Thankful Three.”

We made it through the shitty moments in our lives and shared the plentiful joy-filled ones. The e-mails made us focus on the good things. Throughout the day, we paid attention to positive things we could include in our e-mails. We never ever used the e-mails to rant or cry about the hard stuff. Instead, we shared the hard stuff with each other by finding a bright side to be thankful for. Some days, the gratitude poured out easily, like a squeeze bottle of catsup. Some days, it was more like the glass bottle kind. But we always did it because we were accountable to one another. I can tell you there were many times I would have skipped it! There were days where I was stubbornly holding on to my pissy mood and did NOT want to be effing grateful [insert foot stomp!], but then I would see Ruby’s daily thankfuls pop up in my e-mail and they always made me smile. I knew I had to get off my pity train, or my PMS tirade, or whatever it was that day, and find some damn silver lining to write back about. Sometimes I didn’t even mean it when I was typing, but by the time I was done with those three little sentences, heck if I hadn’t taken a big step toward happy.

Some of our thankfuls would seem silly or insignificant. I mean, if your life is in seeming shambles around you, who gives a rat’s about saying you’re thankful for caramel rice cakes, the smell of fresh cut grass, and that you are getting a haircut next weekend? Well, you’d be surprised what talkin’ up those rice cakes can do!

These short daily e-mails not only kept us in touch but they also focused our friendship in a positive way. If our lives have challenges, we always know the other one is there, holding that vibration of appreciation for us. We lean on each other and ask for help, and if we bitch, we include a silver lining. It is amazing to look back at our daily three (we’ve both saved them) to see where we started and where we are today. Both of us free-falling, trying so hard to flap our wings and fly, but needing to know we weren’t alone in that big sky. The connection and positive energy of our daily emails gives us a boost, and over the years we have both soared!


I am pretty proud to say that it has been SEVEN YEARS and we are still sending our daily thankful three!

Today our e-mails reflect the different places we are at in our lives, but they still carry the same positive energy. This practice still has as much impact on our lives as it did when we started seven years ago.

We keep it up because we love it, because it keeps us close to each other, and because it brings so much love and smiles to our lives! Grab a loved one and give it a try. You will be thankful that you did.

Just for fun, here are a few actual thankfuls from then and now:

Ruby’s daily three from 8/1/07:

  1. Slinky black pencil skirts (even if I am in a bad mood, at least I can look good!).

  2. Good-smelling lotion.

  3. My Southern sweatshirt. It is my security blankie and something warm to cover my bare legs while I sit in my desk and freeze my ass off.

Cara’s daily three from 7/10/07:

  1. I am so thankful for good earplugs (which I am wearing in a crowded office full of people right now).

  2. Good health genes; my grandmother turns 80 today and is as healthy as ever!

  3. My probably-not-work-appropriate-shirt that got me lots of compliments today.

Now fast forward to 2013…

Ruby’s daily three from 8/13/13:

  1. The amazing love I feel for my son, even though I have only known him since Saturday.

  2. That even though it was scary to take him home from the hospital, we are doing well!

  3. That labor went well! Only 20 minutes of pushing! And the epidural was great!

  4. (Must have been a bonus!) That Jon is my husband and the father of my child :o)

Cara’s daily three from 8/13/13:

  1. Getting to teach mediation class to an exceptional and inspiring group.

  2. Making good decisions for what is good for me and what’s not and sticking to it!

  3. Sat for a minute today and watched Noah nap on the couch and just basked in the love that flooded through me.


On the rockin’ ride that is life, you will find Cara Viana out of her seat belt and hanging out the window playing air guitar. Cara is an intuitive and a teacher. She teaches Hot Buddhi Yoga as well as intuitive techniques and meditation. Through her business, Dragonfly Diva Jewelry, she creates jewelry by hand that inspires women to find their inner beauty and wear it for the world to see!

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