
The One And Only Time I Will Tell You To Fake It!

It happens all the time....

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I'm giving a reading to someone and information comes through that blows my mind!

Well this was one of those occasions, so I tried the advice myself and here's what happened...

This happens to me a lot actually. Information coming through in a reading is so powerful and relevant that I wish more people could hear it!  

Even though the information is directed at the person receiving the reading, I'm learning a ton as it comes to me, and I know anyone listening would too.  

Well, now I have my wish!

A way to share this goodness with more that one person at a time!!  

The Playful Spirit Circle is the culmination of my hearts desire to play with people as I dance along my journey.  

And it's free for 2 months!

Sign up here and come see what all the giggling is about!

Harnessing Your Superpowers!

I'm excited to share some magic with you today.

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Emily Cassel is someone very special to me.

When I met her my heart leapt and I was instantly in love. You know that feeling?  Like "Hey, we've been around this block before! We've probably gotten in all sorts of trouble together!"

She is a sister to my soul as surely as she gets my dirty, goofball humor. I immediately wanted to keep her.

Recently Emily asked to interview me for her Sisterhood Spotlight Series, I was honored and nervous (it's true).

She is someone who seriously lights my heart up, as I'm sure you will see.

Her particular Superpower is one I haven't seen before is such a profound way.
She has the ability to see you in all your greatness, and hold you so steadily there that you cannot help but begin to see it yourself. Sound delectable? Dude. It is.

She is changing lives in a magic-carpet-ride-feels-so-easy-you-don't-even-realize-you're-soaring kind of way. Mine included.

She and I are concocting some magic, so expect to see her out here in Hawaii to lead an adventure with me in the new year.

More to come on that...

Enjoy the interview and I can't wait to hear what you think! (Seriously, I'm curious, excited, nervous, and twitterpated to hear your insights!)

Do you want to learn more about harnessing your superpowers?

Munchies vs. Masturbation (I can't believe I'm writing this!)

The other night I had that feeling, the craving feeling.

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I wasn't craving anything specific.

I wasn't hungry.

I just wanted to be munching on something.  Really wanted to.

I did something different this time.

I stopped, I put my hands on my belly and heart, and I asked my body what is really going on?

I heard right away. "I want to be loved.  Eating snack food is treating my self. and treating myself is loving myself."

Well shit.

I had a hunch that it had to do with loving my body. I've been having a harder time with that than normal lately.  I'm a little heavier and softer than normal.

What was weird was that I had had a day full of self care.

It had been a great day and I had done a few things that made me feel sexy and strong.

But I needed more, obviously.

So I didn't go for munchies.

I went for my jade egg.

I spent some time enjoying my body.

And you know what?

I didn't feel fat, and I didn't feel cravings.

I only felt sensual and turned on, and appreciation for my body that is this incredible vessel for pleasure!

Another win for Stopping and Listening!

I'd love to hear if you have had an experience with stopping and listening lately? Or if you've had an experience with the munchies or late night cravings -- how did you feed that desire? Comment below!

Big love and lots of self pleasure,


Do you want to learn more about how to stop and listen to yourself?

Check Unwanted Energy At the Door!

Here is a guest blog I did for Sutra Lifestyles with a forward by my friend Maiko. Enjoy!

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My friend Cara practically glows from the inside out! She is a beautiful example of a woman who radiates self-love and acceptance. I’m amazed at how she can let negative people or experiences roll off her back and not let it affect her energy or attitude.

At times, difficult situations and people can suck the energy right out of me and I still struggle with keeping that in check. Recently I asked Cara for some tips on how to be engaged in a “situation” without allowing it to leave me exhausted or tense afterward. She gave me this wonderful self-guided meditation practice that has done wonders! I intend to repeat this mantra whenever I start to feel like my energy is being drained or my frustrations are flaring up.

It’s a really good one to practice under your breath when someone who is negative or toxic is in your personal space and there is no quick escape route. I instantly feel lighter and less overwhelmed.

Cara’s instructions and mantra for this meditation are below. Give it a whirl and see what it does for you. Trust me, you’ll love it! Thank you once again Cara for your meditation guidance, love, and positive vibes. For more of Cara’s beautiful affirmations and guidance check out her wonderful post on self-love:  I am Beautiful, I am Sexy, I am Strong


Here’s what Cara has to say:

First and foremost, remember not to judge yourself for taking on other energy! It happens to almost everyone in varying degrees and they don’t even realize it. Maybe you wound up feeling blue after talking to a friend who is depressed and you just can’t seem to shake it off… or you feel angry for no reason at all and you can’t seem to process it and let it go. Often times we are having these feelings and emotions because we have picked up some energy from another person.

This is a great meditation to do each evening, or right after a situation that you feel you took on heavy or unwanted energy.


Find a comfortable seat and get grounded, take several deep breaths and close your eyes. First affirm that you send everyone’s else’s energy back to them with love. Feel it whisking away from your body.

Then imagine you were standing under golden drops of rain, and these drops are washing everything that isn’t yours away, rinsing it all off like a shower.

Repeat these as many times as you need.

Once you are complete take several deep breaths and open your eyes.

Let the light inside you always grow brighter and shine it upon the world.

So it begins

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I have a lot of ideas for things I would like to write about, but this first post is a mystery to me.  Do I introduce myself?  If so, what do I say?  Is it important that I catch you up on my life up until this point?  Probably not.  But you can join me in this present moment: I am sitting on the lanai of my home in Hawaii, the sun has set and a few stars are shining.  I am sitting with my beautiful man and my sweet dog basking in how wonderful my life is.  I am feeling blessed and blissed (hmm spell check is telling me blissed is not a word, if that is true someone should remedy this immediately) today after three days of magical yoga classes.  One of which was my yoga class on Friday night.  During which a spontaneous dance part broke out, I don't think I have stopped smiling since.

With this blog it is my intention to share the tools and techniques I have learned as a meditation teacher and energy worker, as well as my own experiences.

