Episode 1 - Cara's Personal Story

Through decades of learning and teaching energy work and intuitive development, Cara shares how she went from being the least joyful person she knew to being the the most joyful person she knows. Born a very sensitive child, Cara overcame clinical depression to realize the many natural gifts and superpowers she shares with the world today. Do you suspect you may have similar sensitivities and gifts? Learn more about how to cultivate and appreciate your intuitive superpowers at caraviana.com.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana


In this introductory episode, Cara welcomes you to the Playful Spirituality Podcast, a playground for your unbridled wildness! With authenticity and humor, she offers notes on what to expect - everything from meditations and teachings to special guests and live readings - and invites you along on a journey to reconnect with unconditional love. A journey back home to you.

The Playful Spirituality Podcast is your home for unbridled wildness. Practical and fun tools to help you discover your magic and your superpowers, raise your energy, amplify your self love, and inspire your joy!


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana

Two months ago I almost died

Three days ago I laid across this huge rock and cried as I talked to God about it.

Cara Viana_I Almost Died

I’m still wrapping my head around it. No doctor has had an explanation but here’s the short of it: I had a freak and extreme reaction to a medication, my boyfriend had to do CPR on me. He saved my life. And you bet your ass he is my hero.

An ambulance ride, most of a night in the ER, and many tests left lots of scary questions, but no exact answers. In the end I’m fine. And yes, I’m downplaying it. It was a big fucking deal. I’m just over trying to explain it.

For a week and a half I recovered and processed, which looked like being quiet and snuggling in my bed a lot, letting the huge energetic upgrade gradually settle into my system, and staring off into space while I just Felt It All.

As you’d guess, my boyfriend and I were glued to one another during that time, we were like two magnets that just kept finding our way wordlessly back into each other’s arms. There were tears and hours of just clinging to each other. I led a few group calls for work that week and I spoke honestly about what I was experiencing. Everything else I canceled. The reboot has taken some time.

Then I had to get on a plane to fly to Hawaii and lead a retreat and pack the last of my belongings and sell my house. And my boyfriend got scary sick. So my processing slowed down while I handled all of that then rushed home to take care of him.

I was excited to come on this retreat and have some spaciousness to process what happened and all that’s been happening in the 2 months since.

I’ve been watching curiously: What will come of it? Cause you know it’s gonna be good! My brain took a hell of an energetic jolt, like a bolt of lightening is how my mom saw it, she and I were both clear from the get go that this was some kind of big upgrading in my system. It’s taken time for the whole thing to reboot.

Outside of all the shifts in my system, so far there have been 4 major things that I’ve been learning or deciding since this happened:

  1. One day shortly after this happened, I looked down at my body and noticed some imperfection, and then I stopped in my tracks and thought “oh my god, this body could be rotting in the ground right now..... what the fuck am I doing complaining about cellulite?!” I stood there feeling a whole new kind of appreciation and love for my body! “I won the fucking lottery with this body!” I thought “It’s strong and vibrantly healthy and beautiful! I don’t want to waste a second of the time I get with this body complaining about it. I want to love and worship her everyday.”

  2. I desire more time with my family, this isn’t new, it’s been there for years, but now I HAVE to make it happen. In some moments this comes from a place of fear of losing them, the rest of the time it comes from deep love. I’m working with the fear.

  3. Whether I get 5 more minutes or 50 more years with this man, I don’t want to waste a second being even 1% closed off. I want to be 100% wide open in my heart. This has been my goal since day 1 and I’ve been working hard on it. But now there’s a much bigger reason and motivation after our relationship almost being cut short.

  4. As I tried to wrap my head around this event, I thought about the things you commonly hear from people who have near death type experiences, they always say it made them decide to live their life fully. I tried that on, is there a way I want to live life more fully? Nope! I already really LIVE life. I live it so fully! There is nothing I would change about the way I live my life. How bad ass is that?

Maybe this has sparked some thoughts or reflections in you. Maybe you can use my experience to gain perspective or insights into what's really important for you. I’d love to hear if you feel inspired to share.

I think I’ll share my thoughts on death and my conversation with God, but that feels like a story for another day.

For today, I’m here living the fullest life I know how, feeling all the feels.

With love and immense gratitude,

Feeling Safe To Feel

I had a rageful temper in my pre-teens. It was frightening. 

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Until around 14 years old when I consciously decided to turn it off. 

I don’t remember the chain of events that led me to the conclusion, but I remember deciding never to be angry again. I decided it wasn’t a good emotion and I wasn’t going to feel it any more. 

And I did a masterful job.

I became such an expert at morphing my anger into any other emotion that I stopped being able to even register anger.

I would rationalize my way to compassion in a nano second. 

Or I would turn the anger in on myself and go to sadness or shame. 

Or I would mine straight past the anger looking for the emotion beneath it. Usually fear or insecurity. 

I know exactly how to process all these other emotions. 

Maybe that sounds drastic, but if you look around you might be surprised how rampant this is. 

We all run from emotions, misunderstand them, bottle them, confuse them, fear them, blame them, hate them, hide from them, disguise them, refuse them, ignore them.  

We just don’t realize it. 

In big ways and small ways. Everyday. 

I am an expert at emotions.  Because of the way I am built, it was a necessity for me to become an expert, and always keep studying. 

It took many many years before I truly started learning to feel safe feeling my anger again. 

I’m still learning, and it’s beautiful. 

The other night I was angry. For no discernible reason. I did the usual things to feel it, allow it, process it, but it came back again and again. So I knew it needed a voice. 

I went for a walk under the full moon and I voiced my anger. All the things, I let anger say how pissed she was about them. 

Under it I saw fear and shame hiding. Anger often comes to protect them (me). 

She’s a well armed bad ass after all. I’m always grateful she’s on my team. 

The next morning I woke up at 5:30 to the giant full moon shining across the ocean and into my window. 

Anger was back. 

So I crawled into pajamas and drove to the ocean. I sat and watched the full moon across the water. Behind me the sun was playing at rising above the clear mountains. 

I sat with my anger and my fear and my shame. 

I cried and I raged. And I shared them so bravely. 

Then I saw the dolphins. They came in close to the shore. They swam back and forth in front of me and jumped and twirled. 

I heard it loud and clear. 

We love you. 

The dolphins, the moon, the sun, the mountains, the ocean, this island.  

They love me. They love me in my humanness,  in my rage, that I sometimes feel lonely and needy, in my fear or shame that this means I’m not enough. 

In my bravery and vulnerability in sharing my truth, and standing in it, they love me. 

No matter what I do or who I am they just keep loving me. 

That night, as I danced wildly in Buddhi Yoga, they showed me another truth. And I came all the way back to my empowerment. I came all the way back to loving me in all those ways. 

What is it for you? 

The emotion you don’t feel safe to feel? 

Are you curious to explore the depths of what it has to offer? 

You’re not alone in this. 

I’m here. 

And Anger has my back, and she’s armed to the teeth.  

And at her back are mountains, dolphins, an ocean, a sun and a moon. 

You are not alone. 

The One And Only Time I Will Tell You To Fake It!

It happens all the time....

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I'm giving a reading to someone and information comes through that blows my mind!

Well this was one of those occasions, so I tried the advice myself and here's what happened...

This happens to me a lot actually. Information coming through in a reading is so powerful and relevant that I wish more people could hear it!  

Even though the information is directed at the person receiving the reading, I'm learning a ton as it comes to me, and I know anyone listening would too.  

Well, now I have my wish!

A way to share this goodness with more that one person at a time!!  

The Playful Spirit Circle is the culmination of my hearts desire to play with people as I dance along my journey.  

And it's free for 2 months!

Sign up here and come see what all the giggling is about!

Harnessing Your Superpowers!

I'm excited to share some magic with you today.

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Emily Cassel is someone very special to me.

When I met her my heart leapt and I was instantly in love. You know that feeling?  Like "Hey, we've been around this block before! We've probably gotten in all sorts of trouble together!"

She is a sister to my soul as surely as she gets my dirty, goofball humor. I immediately wanted to keep her.

Recently Emily asked to interview me for her Sisterhood Spotlight Series, I was honored and nervous (it's true).

She is someone who seriously lights my heart up, as I'm sure you will see.

Her particular Superpower is one I haven't seen before is such a profound way.
She has the ability to see you in all your greatness, and hold you so steadily there that you cannot help but begin to see it yourself. Sound delectable? Dude. It is.

She is changing lives in a magic-carpet-ride-feels-so-easy-you-don't-even-realize-you're-soaring kind of way. Mine included.

She and I are concocting some magic, so expect to see her out here in Hawaii to lead an adventure with me in the new year.

More to come on that...

Enjoy the interview and I can't wait to hear what you think! (Seriously, I'm curious, excited, nervous, and twitterpated to hear your insights!)

Do you want to learn more about harnessing your superpowers?

Munchies vs. Masturbation (I can't believe I'm writing this!)

The other night I had that feeling, the craving feeling.

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I wasn't craving anything specific.

I wasn't hungry.

I just wanted to be munching on something.  Really wanted to.

I did something different this time.

I stopped, I put my hands on my belly and heart, and I asked my body what is really going on?

I heard right away. "I want to be loved.  Eating snack food is treating my self. and treating myself is loving myself."

Well shit.

I had a hunch that it had to do with loving my body. I've been having a harder time with that than normal lately.  I'm a little heavier and softer than normal.

What was weird was that I had had a day full of self care.

It had been a great day and I had done a few things that made me feel sexy and strong.

But I needed more, obviously.

So I didn't go for munchies.

I went for my jade egg.

I spent some time enjoying my body.

And you know what?

I didn't feel fat, and I didn't feel cravings.

I only felt sensual and turned on, and appreciation for my body that is this incredible vessel for pleasure!

Another win for Stopping and Listening!

I'd love to hear if you have had an experience with stopping and listening lately? Or if you've had an experience with the munchies or late night cravings -- how did you feed that desire? Comment below!

Big love and lots of self pleasure,


Do you want to learn more about how to stop and listen to yourself?

A Love Letter to My Money

After listening to the Hay House interview with Kate Northrup, who always inspires me so much, I really started thinking about my relationship with money.

A Love Letter to My Money

Not the in way I always had, but as a relationship just like with a person.

That shift blew my mind and I got the inspiration to write a love letter to my money.  

The experience was so powerful I am sharing it with you!

If you get inspired to write your own letter I'd love to hear how it goes!

Dearest money honey!

I love you! What a teacher you are for me.

Thank you for providing for me, for being the vehicle that brings me many of the things I enjoy.

Thank you for the freedom you give me, the sense of security and safety, for showing me that I can depend on myself and provide for myself.

Thank you for the new lessons you are teaching me about trust, being safe to depend on more than just myself.

Thank you for teaching me so much about flow, energy, trust, abundance, lavish experiences, lack, desire, longing, helplessness, lack of control, power, generosity, freedom, and so much more.

What a rich relationship we have had so far!

Together we have supported people, businesses, and causes.

We have traveled to new exciting places.

We have shown love and appreciation.

We have known delicious comfort, and uncomfortable insecurity.

In me, you have sparked so many new desires and expansions.

You have helped me expand my taste, my understanding of the world, my compassion, and my faith in the universe.

Ahead of us are great things.

I feel it.

We will share our love, encouragement and support with the world.

We will travel and explore, eat the best foods, and bask in the majesty of this world!

We will work and play, and treasure the most fun and brilliant team members!

We will spread the love I have to give and to teach.
Thank you.

I love you.

I am excited for our future together,
