Cara Viana

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PSC #127 You Can’t Judge Yourself by the Same Measures as Before

Dear loves,

I’m feeling so full of love after our call.

We had some really great comments in the Facebook group, including this one that sparked an amazing theme for today’s call:

“I’m feeling a big disconnect between “alone meditating and journaling beautiful life vision and messages” and “reality/application of the messages while kids are screaming and the house is a disaster, etc.”

Can you relate? Be sure to listen to this call!

We did a beautiful meditation all about Expanding Your Particles, which can feel pretty orgasmic or like ecstasy when you practice it!

Be sure to listen to the end for the homework assignment because I promise it will change your reality!


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#127 You Can’t Judge Yourself by the Same Measures as Before - Playful Spirit Circle with Cara Viana Cara Viana

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#127 Meditation - Expanding Your Particles - Playful Spirit Circle with Cara Viana Cara Viana