Cara Viana

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PSC #133 Judgement and Pleasure

Hello Dear Ones,

Yesterday’s call was yummy!

What a strange thing to say about a call all around judgments right? And yet there it is. I highly recommend you grab a journal and sit down for this recording because the opportunity for some beautiful shifts is big.

We explored judgments and being judged and how they show up, and then we drove a little deeper and saw some things we haven’t seen before. And then we explored a whole new reality around judgment! I’m really looking forward to hearing how this went for everyone. It isn’t for the faint of heart I’ll tell you that 😉 pleasure as a shadow healing tool is revolutionary and powerful and maybe my favorite.

Love you all. I’m off to savor being a big baby with a cold over here.


Cara Viana

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#133 Judgement and Pleasure - Playful Spirit Circle with Cara Viana Cara Viana