PSC #108 - Channeling About This Upgrade + Healthy Interaction with the Collective Energy

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Darlings I am bowled over.

That might be the most powerful Playful Spirit Circle we have ever had.

As I am writing this we finished not 1 minute ago, and there are still tears brimming in my eyes.

If you weren’t part of the large group who came live, please give yourself the gift of listening to the recording.

We did a meditation of Holding Space for the Collective.  That I think is gonna feel REAL good to you!  Not to mention is gonna serve you very well personally.  It’s a separate recording you can download.

Then I did a channeling about this virus and this time.  It was surprising and beautiful what you pulled through and I am in awe and appreciation.   If you want to listen just to this portion again, it is also a separate recording.

And here’s the link to join The Playground if you haven’t yet!

All my love,
