I am feeling a buzzing of love moving through my system after this call.
In the first part of our call I shared about busyness and rushing from one thing to the next, and how it relates to our priorities. A really cool practice came through on this, so bring your journal when you listen to the call!
I called myself out on the call and declared that although I was feeling way stretched and resistant (way too busy!!), that I was gonna do the practice tonight. Gulp.
I’m happy to report I did it right after the call, and HOT DAMN. It was so potent.
So good to have that chance to gain such clarity and to sit with my desires and wants and needs, both the divine ones and the immature human ones. All parts of me got to share and all parts are valuable. Thank you for the accountability to do that.
Want to also be accountable to do it? Reply to this e-mail and tell me you are gonna do it and by when!
Then we did a short standing meditation we will call Down Shifting. Give this one a try it’s fast and fun! And tell me what you think of it.
After that we dove into the topic of gossip, and the real reason behind why we do it. We explored the cavewoman instinct that kicks in here and some ways to find healthier patterns.
We finished with a short and powerful theta healing to rewire the childhood panic trigger in our systems with a flood of healing. This also focused on releasing those patterns in your body that come up to get your attention like headaches, or back pain or chronic infections.
Loving you all so fiercely!