life through lenses

PSC #103 Co-opted Energy

Cara Viana-IMG_E1600.jpg

Hi my friends!

Shall we discuss the ways your energy is being co-opted and you don't even know it?  It's sort of like if your body or mind is doing a big task but you have no idea, (and haven't given authorization!) and all that energy that is being expended is making you tired for seemingly no reason. 

Well I discovered one of these today and I shared it on the call.  

Maybe imagining that there was a program you didn't know about running on your computer and you couldn't figure out why it was So Sloooow.  Same thing!

So we did a meditation to sniff out any Co-opted Energy.  

Then we explored the lens that you look at life through.  How that impacts what we see, and even what we know to be true.  I gave some examples of my life and the lenses that myself and others have. 

This took us into an amplification in stillness journaling exercise. 

Then we wrapped up with a super yummy Sensual Movement Meditation.  I highly recommend it!

