PSC #126 The Story That Built Your Reality and How to Change + Your Brand of Sovereignty

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Hello Dear Ones!

We did it, we made the switch to zoom, so that your meditation recordings will now be better audio.

It was so nice to be able to see your faces ❤

On this call we explored stories, and how you are creating concrete reality with them.

Then we explored how to truly change them.

We dove into two specific stories, which I think you can relate to:

"I don't make as much money as I want to"


"I'm to busy to do the thing I really need to get done"

I highly recommend you listen.

*** Double Dog Dare: I dare you to tell your new story live in the fb group once you do the call!

We finished off with a discussion on sovereignty and what your special version of sovereignty looks like. We did a Sovereignty Meditation to top it off!

Love to you all,


PSC #125 When It's Time to Recover From Crisis Mode

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Hey Playful Souls!

We made it to the end of 2020!  Holy cow! 

In this PSC call we explored what happens when we live for a long period in crisis mode and how to begin to shift back once the period is over. 

** NOTE:  This work will be continued in our Free Healing Workshop next Monday so please attend live if you can. And invite your friends!

Heal 2020 to Welcome 2021 ~ Free Healing Workshop
*Save this in your calendar now

Monday, January 4th 6-7:30 pm MT   (5 PT / 8 ET)

Zoom link

or Dial by phone
+1 646 876 9923 US
Meeting ID: 830 2291 2378

In this call we did a fun meditation to Pat ourselves on the back and shake off the hard work. 

Then we explored two hot seats.  First an examination of brain fog and second an analysis of how a type of personality prefers to get stuff done.

I love you all.  Thank you for journeying through this world with me.  My cup runneth over,


PSC #124 Transformation in the Primordial Ooze.

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Hello Dear Ones,

I highly recommend listening to this call asap so you get to do the huge meditation while the new moon eclipse energy is still active!

This was one hell of a call. In fact the meditation that you all called forward was so powerful that all the questions got answered!

Give yourself the gift of listening to this one.

The new earth you designed is yours.

I love you!


PSC #123 Take it Less Seriously, but HOW? Here's How.

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Hello darlings!

I hope you are well and and handling these ups and downs lately with ease. If you aren't, it's ok, I haven't spoken to a single person who is! At least not consistently. Seems like most of us have it for a minute then lose it etc.

On this call we answered a series of questions posted in the group, and they came together to form one heck of a call! I highly recommend this one.

The overall theme was how to take things less serious, and boy did it get rich.

We wrapped up with a beautiful healing we will call Allowing Life To Be Less Serious and More Joyful Healing

Love to you all!


PSC #122 Taking Care of Fear

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Hello Darlings!

Thank you for being a part of this community. This call started with a juicy conversation about being on the fence in a relationship, navigating abandonment fears, and discerning the 'something missing'.

Then we did my favorite exercise for fear, oh how I love this one! I use it often! I recommend saving this meditation for sure and using it anytime fear is getting in your way!

We then did an exercise to see where your values are currently and how you're showing up for them.

And finally we had a yummy conversation about how do we discern the difference between a No and resistance?

I hope you enjoy!

Happy fall, I love you!

PSC #121 How to Create the World You Want to Live In

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Dear loved ones,

As always I am honored to co-create this scared growth with you.

On this call we explored what we might be addicted to and how that is holding us stuck in the same things in life. Not things you might expect to be addicted to, but ways of being, such as financial struggle.

I shared the practical steps to begin living in the world the way you want it to be right now.

We then did a yummy meditation to Absorb The Feelings You Desire, which of course played into creating the world of your dreams.

We did a bad ass hot seat on the addiction piece above and shifting the relationship and patterns with money. I think you'll really be able to relate to this one.

Loving you all fiercely,

PSC #120 Breaking Up With Shame

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Dearest Ones,

I hung up after our call just now and dropped to my knees, putting my head on the floor.

I was so overcome with reverence, all I could do was bow and cry.

That was freaking HUGE.

I'm in reverence of you and what you collectively create!!

I cannot recommend listening to this call enough. We did a monumental healing on shame.

Here's your recording.

I love you, all parts,

PSC #119 Creating the Remainder of 2020 That We Want

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Hello Dear Ones, I am smiling ear to ear after our call.

As we began I shared a few stories that could be embarrassing if I didn't just love myself so much and think they were adorable instead. 😉

Then we did a visioning exercise to choose the way we want the next 3 months of 2020 to go. We learned about how often we create our realities via our perception, and how to change that. And we called in our true desires for the rest of this year ending in total greatness!

Then we wrapped with a yummy potent and short healing to sink it all in: we will call it the Yes It Can Be This Easy Healing.

I LOVE you