PSC #110 Finding Your Power + Celebrating Your Human-ness

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Hello my darlings!

I’m so grateful for all of you in this life. Just wanted to say that. We just wrapped another playful spirit circle call and I can’t wipe the smile off my face as usual.

We did a sweet meditation to get embodied at the beginning.

Then we did some really fabulous hotseats including one that generated an energy work practice that we are going to call finding our power.

We looked at why sometimes we feel a hangover when we have a hard time shaking off after processing old pain.

Then we looked at the feeling of inadequacy when we are trying to save someone else from their own experience.

And finally we had a lovely chat about human-ing and how EFFING good you’re doing at it.

I love you!

PSC #109 - Allow the Good Coming From This Upgrade + Releasing Responsibility for Everyone Else's Triggers

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Hi Darlings,

I'm flying high after that call!

We started with a Walking Meditation, so so yummy. This would be a fun one to save for when you are feeling resistance to sitting down to meditate!

We had two really fabulous hot seats that were so relevant for everyone. First we explored the worry that humanity might screw up this upgrade and just go back to normal, and the desire for it to hurry up and get to the good stuff. We learned a technique for finding the evidence of the new version coming, which is so fun!

Then we looked at how to shift a challenging relationship with a family member. This was maybe one of the most pertinent convo's in a while because we ALL have these kind of experiences where someone else trigger impacts us when they don't actually mean it to or even know that it is.

Then we wrapped up with a super fast but super strong theta healing on Releasing Responsibility for Everyone Else's Triggers! All empaths, for sure listen to this one! I love you all so much, Cara

PSC #108 - Channeling About This Upgrade + Healthy Interaction with the Collective Energy

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Darlings I am bowled over.

That might be the most powerful Playful Spirit Circle we have ever had.

As I am writing this we finished not 1 minute ago, and there are still tears brimming in my eyes.

If you weren’t part of the large group who came live, please give yourself the gift of listening to the recording.

We did a meditation of Holding Space for the Collective.  That I think is gonna feel REAL good to you!  Not to mention is gonna serve you very well personally.  It’s a separate recording you can download.

Then I did a channeling about this virus and this time.  It was surprising and beautiful what you pulled through and I am in awe and appreciation.   If you want to listen just to this portion again, it is also a separate recording.

And here’s the link to join The Playground if you haven’t yet!

All my love,


PSC #106 When Your Inner Child is Driving the Bus

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Hey Everyone,

Thanks for joining the call!  We had a big group live and it was so fun to feel you all there.  

We talked about the corona virus and the panic that's ensuing.  I shared my prayer and also my very human and laughably pissy opinion! ha.  

We did a yummy meditation all about Finding Steadiness and Broadcasting Peace.  I think you'll like it!  And if you've been feeling like you want to be able to DO something to help, this will really feel good.  Or if you've been feeling nervous and stressed over this virus, this will also totally help. 

We explored a great hot seat with Mary about having the negative reactions that you used to have and wondering why you reverted to those, when your reaction have been positive for so long.  I think everyone can relate to what we discovered!

We then talked with Katie about the desire for a new job and the curiosity as to why there is resistance.  Is resistance just that, resistance, or is it actually intuition?  As she felt in to the possible reasons for resistance, clarity came! 

Then we learned the focus wheel process from Abraham-Hicks and I gave it to you all as a homework assignment!  Let me know how it goes. 

Love you dearly,


PS you'll notice the call ends abruptly 2 min early, that's because my phone died!  HA!  totally surprised me and gave me quite the laugh.  Grateful it was at the end of the call :)

PSC #105 Staying in Your Own Lane + Having Your Tantrum and Then How to Feel Better


Hello Darlings!

Well that was a FUN call!

We got personal on the topic of staying in your own lane instead of taking on your partners stuff, or worrying about what they are doing or not doing.  Thank you Amalia, such a great topic that is close to home for me too, as we discussed. 

I shared the tool that's been a game changer for me in this area.  And then we saw how it equates to Mary's desire to "stand in my truth".  So juicy! 

We wrapped with a super powerful meditation that we are gonna call Holding Space for the Tantrum and Repairing the Nervous System.  

I hope you enjoy it!

Love and tantrums,


PSC #104 Leaning into Abundance and Support

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Hi Playfuls!

On this call I shared some of the most magical moments from the retreat I just returned from leading in Hawaii.

Tonight’s meditation was about flowing creative and sexual energy, we are gonna call it The Stardust Meditation.  Remember you can always download just the meditation!

We had two really impressive hot seats tonight, thank you Jen and Heather.

We explored how to go from the constant struggle with money just barely being enough to cover, into the place of surrendering to a greater support of abundance.  We looked at where that pattern came from and a really fun way to shift it.

We had a beautiful discussion on grief and how to support a partner going through loss, even when they aren’t accepting support.

I love you all!

PS remember that Master Your Magic is open for enrollment, if you’ve been craving deepening your intuitive gifts, now is the time.

PSC #103 Co-opted Energy

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Hi my friends!

Shall we discuss the ways your energy is being co-opted and you don't even know it?  It's sort of like if your body or mind is doing a big task but you have no idea, (and haven't given authorization!) and all that energy that is being expended is making you tired for seemingly no reason. 

Well I discovered one of these today and I shared it on the call.  

Maybe imagining that there was a program you didn't know about running on your computer and you couldn't figure out why it was So Sloooow.  Same thing!

So we did a meditation to sniff out any Co-opted Energy.  

Then we explored the lens that you look at life through.  How that impacts what we see, and even what we know to be true.  I gave some examples of my life and the lenses that myself and others have. 

This took us into an amplification in stillness journaling exercise. 

Then we wrapped up with a super yummy Sensual Movement Meditation.  I highly recommend it!



PSC #102 How We Wield Our Business + A New Understanding of Receiving

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Hey Gang,

Happy new decade!   This was a really fun call.  I outed myself and how I am realizing that I use my overwhelm/busy/victim story.  We explored the ways that each of us uses these stories in one way or another.

Then we did a Spring Cleaning The Overwhelm meditation that helped us to see the ways we wield this story and help ourselves feel safe enough to let that go. 

We finished with an inspired conversation on receiving and how to expand your capacity to receive and get comfortable with receiving.  We explored some new and different ways to look at receiving and some practices to help stretch our capacity to receive.

I love you all!
